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How to Stay Safe on Flights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Stay Safe on Flights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues course, you may be considering if flying will be worth it when it comes to visiting family or friends. Like many people, you may not be able to wait until there is a vaccine to travel. Business and family can become too valuable, and life can create an urgent need for travel. Unfortunately, it is also one of the riskiest ways to travel during the pandemic.

It’s vital you understand the risks so you can take the precautions needed before heading to the airport. While flying is risky, you can still do so safely. Even though you will be close to others on the flights, there will be a higher potential of infection from COVID-19. Don’t let this frighten you away from flying.

Things to Do to Stay Safe and What to Expect

Staying safe is essential to your health, those of the other passengers, and the people you’ll be visiting after you get off the plane. But how safe is flying? If you’re looking to play it as safe as possible, then wear a mask. While you can’t social distance on the plane itself, you can try to do what you can while in the terminal. Of course, going through security may make this nearly impossible.

Here is What Airlines are Doing During the Pandemic

Everything about the current COVID-19 pandemic has impacted air travel: this means travel restrictions (especially to Europe), stay-at-home orders, and overall health concerns have played their part in air travel.

‣ There won’t be as many flights – Many airlines are limiting the number of trips through summer. What this means for the upcoming holidays remains to be seen, but many airlines are barely operating at 5o percent.

‣ Cabin Capacity will be limited – Some airlines are limiting capacity by 50 to 60 percent to allow for social distancing as much as possible. For other airlines, you may want to check times of flight and size to find a flight with fewer passengers.

‣ Health checks and agreements – At many airports, you may be subject to temperature check by the TSA. This hasn’t gone into effect yet; it is highly supported by many airlines. This can mean longer waits at security. Also, some airlines are screening passengers for health symptoms, and brief health history before checking in is allowed.

‣ Better Sanitation – Airline around have increased their protocols by cleaning more and thoroughly. Airlines are looking to meet or exceed the CDC guidelines. You can see them here. Some have also installed HEPA filters to keep air circulation as clean as possible.

            Tips to Stay Safe on Your Flight

            • Social distance as much as possible.
            • Try to avoid large crowds.
            • Wear a mask.
            • Don’t touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.
            •  Cover any coughing and sneezing.
            • Wash for at least 20 seconds and/or sanitize our hands often if there is no soap and water.

                Where You Can Find Good Deals on Flights Amidst the Crisis

                With air travel facing the COVID-19 pandemic on the ground and in the air, you may find getting a ticket pricier than usual if you buy direct. As if the pandemic wasn’t enough, paying a higher price may seem a bit unreasonable. If flying is an essential part of your travel plans, you can easily book your flight at a lower price at Smarter Travel. Finding a cheap or affordable flight won’t be nearly as challenging as getting through security during the pandemic.

                Another tip that may help make you comfortable on your flight. While you may want to wear a mask, the cabin can get chilly due to the air conditioning. A light pair of thermal underwear will help take the edge off and also keep any sweat from sticking to your body. They will allow air to circulate on your skin much better than cotton and will make being packed into an airplane cabin like a sardine more bearable. When you do take your flight, look to the CDC and the airport for any specific COVID-19 guidelines so you’ll be prepared for the flight. Practice social distance as much as possible, bring along some sanitizer wipes, wear a mask, and, most of all, have a safe and pleasant flight.


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